How 350NH Won the Offshore Wind Campaign

To start the process of developing offshore wind energy, the Governor has to request a joint task force from the federal government. 350NH organized community support, connected with elected officials and delivered hundreds of petitions in 2016, but Maggie Hassan failed to act before leaving the Governor’s office.


With Sununu at the State House, we doubled down our efforts and passed warrant articles in more than 20 towns across the state calling for action. In 2019, we caught Sununu on NHPR’s “the Exchange” and got a verbal commitment to request the offshore wind task force. We followed up with public pressure and forced Sununu to keep his word.  

The official process began in 2020 with the first meeting of the federal and state joint task force on offshore wind. Offshore wind energy will create thousands of jobs and save NH ratepayers millions of dollars.


Why Offshore Wind?

Burning fossil fuels causes global climate change. Our coastal communities are flooding and extreme weather puts NH families and businesses at risk. We can stop the climate crisis and create thousands of good paying jobs by building offshore wind energy and there is enough wind capacity off the coast of New Hampshire to generate 2,600 MW of energy (enough to supply the entire state). Wind energy construction and production is already underway in MA, RI and NY. It’s past time for NH to join in!


Benefits of Offshore Wind

ECONOMY: NH spends billions of dollars buying dirty energy from out of state. We can keep jobs and dollars in our local economy by building offshore wind energy. Energy produced in our region will also allow ratepayers' energy bills to decrease!

CLIMATE AND THE COAST: Climate change is destroying the Seacoast. Building offshore wind energy will help stop sea level rise and protect NH communities. Wind turbines will be far enough from the coast that they won't impact views. (And wouldn't you rather see a windmill than a smokestack?)

JOBS: Offshore Wind would bring jobs to New Hampshire in manufacturing, construction, operation and maintenance. It would also help NH rely more on local energy instead of imported energy.