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NH Renews - Utility Rate Hike Campaign December Meeting

The utility rate hikes approved in New Hampshire this past summer are impacting multiracial working-class communities across the state. We're coming together to do something about it, and to win changes to our energy systems that are better for all of us and the planet!

During the upcoming NH Renews Utility Rate Hikes Campaign meeting, we will have an in-depth conversation with NH Consumer Advocate Don Kreis. We plan to come away with a better understanding of how the NH Public Utility Commission works, their rules and procedures, and ways community members can influence their processes. After this upcoming conversation, we will build out our campaign plan for early 2023! 

This conversation will build on a previous Town Hall we held in October, and a follow-up planning meeting we held in November. If you were unable to attend these events but you want to get involved, we recommend watching the Town Hall recording first here:

RSVP to join us on Zoom:

Earlier Event: December 8
No Coal No Gas ORIENTATION Session!
Later Event: December 15
No Coal No Gas Monthly Call