Youth Organizing Program

The 350NH Youth Organizing Program brings students together from across New Hampshire to build grassroots power and develop solutions to the climate crisis. The program builds a collaborative community, and participants gain the leadership and organizing skills needed to run strategic campaigns in order to make their voices heard in the climate movement. The Youth Team is run by five high school student leaders with support from a 350NH staff member. 

350 New Hampshire’s Youth Team helps us reach our vision of climate justice in the state, by organizing around 350NH’s campaigns to prevent new fossil fuel infrastructure, train community leaders, and pressure elected officials to champion bold solutions to the climate crisis. 


Get Involved

video calls

Join our bi-weekly video calls with our youth organizing team


Plan a climate strike at your school with 350NH

training calls

Join one of our monthly training calls lead by our high school training fellow


Get involved in the team and complete your school's required community service hours

Youth’s Importance in the Movement

Young people will be the hardest hit by the climate crisis

Young people will be the hardest hit by the climate crisis. Every day we wait to transition to 100% renewable energy the climate crisis intensifies. Today’s youth will be the first responders to climate catastrophes. They will be the farmers feeding our world amidst sporadic growing seasons and erratic weather and the politicians navigating the displacement of millions of people from coastal communities. They will be the climate refugees across the world, relocating because of climate catastrophes.

Young people are essential in bringing key decision makers to our side by swaying them through a narrative that connects policy to peoples’ lives. They are armed with powerful stories about how the climate crisis will impact their future if decision makers don’t act now. 350NH provides youth with a baseline knowledge of climate science and training on how to deliver persuasive testimony so that they can be powerful actors pushing for climate action.

350NH is positioned to effectively organize high school students. 350NH’s staff are experienced youth organizers in their early to mid-twenties. This gives us a unique ability to understand the challenges and opportunities that come with student organizing and to build meaningful relationships with students.

Join THE Youth Organizing Team

Interested in promoting climate justice in your school?

350NH supports Youth Fellows with the following:

Mentorship: 350NH staff will mentor student leaders with one on one check ins, organizing toolkits, and skills based trainings.

Resources: 350NH will provide student leaders with stipends, supplies and swag to bring new students into the climate movement.

Tools: 350NH will give student leaders access to digital organizing tools and organizational infrastructure to turn online supporters into offline organizers and to maintain momentum over summer breaks and luls between large mobilizations.

Community Service Hours: Come volunteer with 350NH’s Youth Team and count them towards your community service hours for school, honor society, or other activities! 

What We’ve Accomplished

From September 20-27th, 2019, a record 7.6 million people took to the streets to strike for climate action in the biggest climate mobilization in history. In New Hampshire, over 2,000 people joined a climate strike in Portsmouth, Manchester, Durham, Plymouth, Bethlehem, Concord, Nashua, Conway, and more. Youth from across the state stood in front of crowds and talked about why they skipped school to join a climate strike. They spoke about the lack of action they have seen from adults and elected officials in combating the climate crisis and called for their community to step up. We are listening to the demands of the New Hampshire youth and are following their lead.

Since then, the 350NH Youth Organizing Team stormed the NH State House to demand an end to the Granite Bridge pipeline proposal, spoke on the Radio on Earth day 2020, executed banner drops, phonebanked for climate champions, led information sessions, called out state legislatures, and spoke at countless climate strikes, rallies, and actions.